Wednesday, April 1, 2009 maybe SOME people are doing better in this economy...

Marcos and I were futzing around the house last night, cleaning up from our Brazilian feast a few nights ago and packing for our trip this week. For fun, we decided to listen to NPR's radio show "This American Life" for a little update of what is going on around the country.

One of the mini-stories we heard was from a dentist, who reported that he is seeing more chipped and broken teeth than he has ever seen before. Apparently, in response to the stressful economic climate, Americans are grating their teeth and clenching their jaws more than usual - even while they sleep.

I just can't think of a more stressful thing than having to pay a dental bill for stress-related broken teeth, on top of the stress that got you there in the first place. No, thank you. I'll be paying much closer attention to self-care from here on out...

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