Saturday, January 24, 2009

Locale Highlight: Guglhupf Bakery & Patisserie

Although I am no connoisseur by any stretch of the imagination, I am always on the lookout for local eateries with atmosphere. Food just tastes better when the presentation is beautiful and the surroundings are pleasant.

Today I re-scoped out a Bakery and Cafe in Durham called Guglhupf, which means "bundt cake" in German. After my in-home parenting therapy sessions, I have taken to doing my paper work at Guglhupf as often as possible, to beat the alternative of sitting at the ice-age computer in my window-less office. To tell you the truth, it's such a unique, stylish place that I feel classy just walking through the doors.

Guglhupf has two parts: one is a small bakery which sells the most beautiful, genuine, hearty, fragrant German-ish loaves of bread you've ever experienced, and the other part is a cafe. The cafe is very uniquely decorated, and shows off walls of eye-candy art and local funkiness. Unfortunately, the very few things I've eaten there have been only an 8.5 on a scale of 1 to 10, but there are so many other gripping factors...

Such as the desserts... internet access...

...and the decor.

P.S. Exciting News! This post was my 100th post!


Marie said...

So Metta, the whole post was great, but my favorite part was the two free internet using models you took a picture of!!! Do you know them? Was that staged or did you just snap away at two unexpecting strangers. Ha ha. That picture made me smile.

Unknown said...

That is such a cute place! I need that here in Salt Lake. I totally agree with you on good atomosphere making food taste better. The picture of dessert makes my mouth water...

nicole said...

speaking of internet models, i love how they're both using apple computers. apple. hehe, silly.