Sunday, November 15, 2009


Q: When is your baby due?
A: April 1st. At our ultrasound, she was measuring within a week of that original due date, so the doctor kept it at April 1st.

Q: Have you thought of any names yet?
A: Yes. Unless something drastic happens (she is born with male parts, for example) her name is Giovanna. We really wanted a name that works well in both America and Brazil, and lo and behold, Italian names seem to be a real winner for international usability. Plus, we think it's pretty...

Q: How are you feeling?
A: Quite well. I still have to eat every two or three hours, and sometimes I have heartburn if I wait too long between snacks, but otherwise I feel great.

Q: Are you showing yet?
A: Well, it's either Giovanna or the result of eating two complete Thanksgiving dinners this week... you tell me.


Damaris @Kitchen Corners said...

you look beautiful (as expected) and the name is perfect. Italian names do work well, example: Enzo

Forbes Clan of Six said...

Congratulations! I am so happy for the both of you. You are going to be wonderful parents. Giovanna is a lucky girl.

Valerie said...

You look stunning. Congrats to you and Marcos. Hope to run into you around town sometime soon!

Robbie said...

A girl! For some reason I had a feeling. :) You are looking fantastica and I love the name. (We had an awesome investigator by that name on my mission.) So exciting!