This year, between the end of finals and the preparation for our departure to Utah, we decided that we would keep Christmas very simple! We didn't achieve much as far as sending out greeting cards or letters (and the even bigger achievement? ...that I was able to avoid feeling bad about it after shaking off my initial five minutes of being sad). However, we love you and are sending you a big...
MERRY CHRISTMAS!Here's wishing you a lovely day with your family and loved ones, with peace in your relationships, prosperity for the coming year, joy in the season of giving, and the love of Jesus Christ on the celebration of his birthday!
Pictures I took at Temple Square, Salt Lake City...

I love Temple Square at Christmastime! I'm glad you guys are having a good trip. Today Kinsey told me that she was leaving and was going to go and see Guy. :) She said that she wouldn't be back soon.
Hey, we should get together. Andrew and I are in Utah too. We'll be here until JAn.5th
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