Friday, November 7, 2008

Happy American Birthday Danny!

A Boy Celebrating His Birthday, ca. 1940, a classicly fabulous photo by Hugh Morton, UNC archives

This week was momentous in the Prieto family. Marcos' older brother Daniel celebrated the crowning event of immigration to the United States - naturalization and citizenship! On Wednesday November 5th (notice: one day after election day) his wife Marie, daughter Kaitlyn and Marie's family attended his naturalization ceremony in Salt Lake City, and out of the 250 people receiving citizenship that day, Danny was the only Brazilian! Danny received a new birth certificate with the signature of George Bush, and so... it only seems right to wish him a HAPPY AMERICAN BIRTHDAY!


Marie said...

Thanks so much, Metta!! You're so sweet to do a post in Danny's honor. We wish you could have been there and we can't wait until Liz and Marcos have their special day, too.

Anonymous said...

It truly is wonderful to finally be called a "Fellow American."
Thank you Metta for that post. Elizabeth and Marcos will hopefully soon be next.
- Danny