Sunday, October 30, 2011

Set Backs

I am so happy that I've gotten to week 6 in my Couch to 5K training regiment, but I've had a few set-backs. From the very beginning of my running streak I've had a really painful left heel, and have come to the conclusion that I have a heel spur. Heel spurs are such a disappointing diagnosis, because there really isn't much to be done about about them (spurs are a little outgrowth of the bone). However, the painful heel has helped me to run more on the balls of my feet instead of landing on my heels, which is a more sustainable way to run anyway. So despite the pain, it was working.

And then this week I broke my toe. I was over at a friend's house playing with the kids, and as I got up from the floor and walked through a door, I managed to just knick my pinkie toe on the frame and when I looked down my toe was pointing at about two o'clock, when it's supposed to be at twelve. I instinctively reached down and pushed my toe back in place and it was the oddest sensation. It didn't hurt at first, which was making me wonder, but after a minute or two I felt the dullest, most nauseating pain. I was on ibuprofen for a day or so, and I iced it for a long time, but now it's swollen and bruised black and blue. I will tape it well and run on it, poor little guy, but I'm giving him about a week to heal. My running friends have told me things like "listen to your body" and "pay attention to secondary injuries caused by changing your gait to compensate for your injury", so I'm getting the clue that I need to roll this one out slow again.

Last week in Couch to 5K I ran 2 miles on my final run of the week. I was really feeling like although my body doesn't look different on the outside, I feel strong, fit and I am actually enjoying running for the first time in my life.

And here I am now, back on the couch...

1 comment:

Kim said...

Yikes! Sorry to hear that! But I totally want to see pictures of your toe...