Sunday, April 3, 2011

Boot Camp

My friend Becca called me yesterday to ask if I wanted to sign up for boot camp at a local fitness center. She and our friend Jamie had seen the coupon online and wanted to know if I was up for one month of torture. I was.

It starts tomorrow, and I am slightly nervous. What if I am the weakest one there? What if it's like running, and I have to coach myself through not hating it?

But Heaven knows I need it. I'm on a quest to regain my body, even though I'm still breastfeeding and Gigi is requiring her fair share. For Pete's sake, I have a wedding coming up in June, and there is a really pretty emerald dress I have to fit into as a Bridesmaid. I can zip it up (hallelujah), but I still haven't passed the stuffed sausage-esque phase.

Bring it on.

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