Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Daddy called the Doctor and the Doctor said...

...get tubes put in this girl's ears.

This has been the worst week of our parenting life. Gigi has only had two ear infections in her 10 months of active life, but this second one will not go away. We are on our third round of antibiotics in a row (I know that some of you are cringing as you read that - believe me, we are too), and according to Dr. Goldbach, at this point the antibiotics are keeping her pain from escalating too much, but they are not knocking out the infection. We have an appointment to get tubes put in her ears, but the first available opening is on March 10th. We have the number for the hospital, and every day we call to beg for an opportunity to get in so that our girl's mini ear canals can have a little help keeping things flowing.

So, our usually happy, content, sweet little Gigi is really having a challenge. As parents, we are having a challenge too. Half of the time I want to cry, and the other half I am saying the most desperate prayers. Marcos sometimes wants to punch a wall out of total frustration. I think that we are going mad, because listening to your baby wail in pain and not being able to do anything about it is really maddening. We just want our happy, bright-eyed baby back.

But we are trying to keep perspective. In all of this there are blessings as well: we are a half-time stay at home mom and dad team, so whoever is with Gigi on a day when she needs to go in to the doctor can take her in, we live close to an excellent hospital where we will take Gigi for the tubes procedure, and a few months ago we were able to put Gigi on Health Choice (North Carolina's medicaid) which has been really important for us. Having to never think twice about whether to take your child in to see a doctor when something is clearly wrong is an enormous blessing.


Ali Holt said...

awww I had no idea! Poor Gigi! She is so stinking cute. I hope that she and Boston can date in the very far away future! She is to die for!

Angela said...

So sorry to hear about this! We'll keep Gigi and you guys in our prayers.

Damaris @Kitchen Corners said...

Ear infections are the worst. They do hurt a lot and I can understand why Marcos would want to punch a hole in the wall.

Thank goodness she has health insurance. What a lousy system that they can only fit her in on March 10th. That's super far away, arghhhh.

I'm so sorry you guys are going through this.

Rebecca said...

It breaks my heart to hear Gigi is hurting. Sad babies make me want to cry too ... or punch a hole in the wall.

Drop her off if you need a break. I wouldn't mind snuggling with her for a little bit, even if she's fussy.

Hang in there.

Anonymous said...

Ohhh Nós sentimos muuuito pela Gigi e por vocês tb, com certeza estão sofrendo junto com ela, estaremos orando para que isso se cure.
Amamos vcs.

sienna said...

hope they can get you in sooner! and she can go back to her happy self!

Headle said...

I'm so sorry!!! There really is nothing more stressful than worrying about a sick baby! :( I hope she is feeling better and you are all able to get some much needed rest and relaxation!!!

Heather said...

Oh, poor girl! Ear infections can be really painful, and a crying baby after several days can indeed equal parents who lose it. Take those friends up on their offers of help! It'll all be over soon.