Well, okay, not really. It's more like a high-five as we trade places: she goes out for maternity leave and I return from mine to take on some of her responsibilities part time for the year. And I can honestly say that so far, I love her job. I have had many people ask how work is going, and I can't think of any other work I'd rather be doing. The fall is very recruitment heavy (in preparation for the application deadline at the beginning of next year), so much of my work so far is interacting with prospective students, participating in recruitment activities and events, and working on strategic new advertising techniques. Come January, we will be in the throws of admissions, with rating applications, sending out acceptance letters, and working on the financial aid packages and scholarships we can offer particularly competitive students.
Some of my favorite things so far about working where I work are the extremely nice people I work with, and the fact that a lot of my job is interacting with interesting people who are passionate about making some change in the world. Whether we have that ambition or not, I think there has got to be something said for people who take up the formidable task of tackling social problems.
Some of the hardest things about working have been leaving Gigi, having her refuse to eat from the bottle until just this week (yes, she finally got it!), and trying to funnel down a full-time job into my half-time hours. I am trying very hard not to set a precedent of working more than 20 hours a week, because I want to be a mama bear and protect my time with Giovanna.
And finally, the most unexpected thing I have had to learn about working half time is that my days off are like gold: whether I choose to do fifty errands and visit people and play all day, or whether I choose to kick up my feet and watch movies or nap all day, I want to make a conscientious choice as to how I use those hours. When a lazy day rolls by and I haven't been mindful about my freedom, the evening comes and with it the feeling like I've just let something good slip through my fingers...
I absolutely LOVE your last sentence there! Especially the part about "the feeling that I let something good slip through my fingers." What a person chooses to do in their "spare time" definitely says a lot about them as an individual. (Although, don't get me wrong, an occasional "lazy" day is a welcome break, and as some would argue, pretty essential). :)
Don't worry; I'm not getting antsy about our baby's arrival date - not in the slightest. Whenever he enters this world will be just fine by us! (In fact, scheduling-wise, if he can hold off until after next weekend that would be ideal... but I digress). The only reason why I mention centimeters dilated is because I have plenty of friends curious about such things. It's just fun info to pass on. :)
As far as Gigi's gift... We sent a blue & white floral printed (3-6 month) sundress with matching pastel blue shoes. (My tracking info says it was delivered to your apt. in Chapel Hill on May 5th). Anyway, don't feel tacky about asking! (I most definitely wasn't seeking a thank-you by any means - just concerned if in fact it never reached you...?) I really hope someone didn't swipe it from your doorstep (it came via FedEx). Anyway, there you have it. Enjoy the rest of your Sunday! :)
Thanks for the update. I've been wondering how it's been going:) Oh, I just loving your writing style, Miss Metta.
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