Sunday, April 4, 2010

Due Date come, Due Date go

And THIS may be the coolest parking stall I've ever come across...

Thursday, April 1st was Giovanna's due date. We were not under any illusions that she would arrive on that day, but it was still fun to celebrate the day that marks the center of her "due month". My mom had come into town the night before, so while Marcos worked on writing a paper all day, us girls planted seeds and some starter plants in the pots outside our door. Even though it was less exciting than the birth of our baby would have been, starting a garden felt like a good symbolic way to celebrate birth and spring and all good things that grow. When Marcos sent in his paper at midnight, we celebrated by downing three pints of Haagen Dazs while we watched Cool Runnings. Our life is full of celebrations, with a baby on the way.

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