I think it's time for a little post about what we've been up to. It's a good thing that guilt is not a very strong motivating factor in my life, because I might have felt a little miserable that I've been so neglectful with this blog. But there is a season for everything under Heaven, and some seasons are for writing about your life, and some are just for living it.
The week before last, I was convinced that it was time to get up out of my sick bed and embrace the world, so I asked if I could join a strawberry picking expedition with our friends Jen and Adelaide, and Gigi and my mom. It was one of North Carolina's first perfect days, and it was so good to be outside at Jean's Berry Farm enjoying the fresh air, the great company, and the worlds best strawberries. I felt achy in my bellybutton wound that evening, which was my sign that I had overdone it a little, but it was so worth it.

This past week was my first full-week back to work, and each work day wiped me out entirely. One day I finally had to close my office door and lay down on the floor for a few minutes before I could resume functioning. I was hoping that my days off would be relaxing, but they were filled with appointments - midwives, where baby checked out very well and everything is great, and my post-op appointment, where the nurse reached over and ripped the glue off of my wounds. It looks like everything is going as well as can be expected with my healing and changing body. That's a relief!

As if there weren't enough transitions going on in Prietoland, Marcos also heard recently that he was admitted to UNC for the fall! He has two more years to finish up his Bachelor's degree, and I think it's swell that he's going to such a great University to finish up his studies. We review frequently how silly it sometimes seems to stop a great job making websites (which have won awards recently, I must add) so that he can go back to school and acquire debt, just so that he can get out of school and find another great job, but we're moving on faith that it will all be worth it in the end.
These photos are from an afternoon when Marcos went to UNC to start setting up his future collegiate life, and Gigi and I had a date in Southern Village. We started at the park, but it was so hot and the playground was so full of steaming equipment, that we quickly ended up indoors at Whole Foods with pina colada popsicles to survive the heat. I really enjoy Gigi's company. She is a great little gal.
And finally, a few photos from our Cinco de Mayo party last night at the Olsens with our old Home Teaching group. I clearly stink at getting group shots, but I got these of Gigi's first encounter with a piñata. So nice to get together again, Bush, Vanderwalker and Olsen clan!